Austbrokers Terrace has partnered with Altius Group to assist you in developing or maintaining a safe workplace.
Altius Group is our national partner and specialises in Workers Compensation and Work Health Safety (WHS) services. They have the complete backing of Austbrokers to service the needs of our customers.
Altius Group engages with our clients to provide tailored, end to end solutions across workplace health, wellbeing, employment, risk and claims support services to enable organisations and their people to optimise their physical, mental and social health.
One of the highest insurance costs for a business can be workers compensation premiums, and managing Work Health and Safety (WHS) is a legislative requirement for all businesses.
Did you know… In 2017:
>> 191 workers were fatally injured in Australia
>> 62% of all workplace injuries were a result of falls, trips, slips and body stressing (eg, lifting and overuse)
>> Agriculture, Construction, Manufacturing, Transport, Health Care and Social Assistance had the highest incidence rate for serious claims
>> Additionally, in the last 12 months two Australian Directors have been sentenced to gaol for significant WHS breaches
Review the Currency & Compliance of your WHS Management Systems
By undertaking a screening of your systems, you’ll gain an insight into legislative compliance, and be able to assess your risk exposure both personally and as a business.
We recommend you undertake this review if you haven’t completed it independently in the last 12 months.
The cost of this screening is $200 (plus GST) and is tax deductible. You’ll receive a summary report and phone consultation to review the findings with a team member of Altius Group.
Making sure you have a legally compliant system and a safe work environment will give you peace of mind and see your employees return home safe to their families.
Consider the following questions. How many can you answer YES to?
- Do you have a legally compliant Work Health Safety (WHS) Management System operating in your organisation?
- Do you have Safe Work Practices or procedures documented for all high-risk equipment and activities?
- Have you completed an external audit or review of your system in the last 12 months? (Recommended every 12 – 24 months)
- Has your organisation experienced any workplace injuries in the last 12 months?
Whether you’re in need of a comprehensive review or one-time advice, our partners at Altius Group have a national team of Work Health and Safety (WHS) consultants available to assess, plan and deliver solutions that improve employee safety and deliver cost benefits through improved productivity and reduced Workers Compensation premiums.