2020 has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at Australian businesses – from COVID working restrictions and city-wide lockdowns to businesses operating with an online-only model. But throughout hardship and difficulty, we have witnessed businesses showing resilience, innovation and that “never say die” desire that makes Australians renowned around the globe. Using digital marketing practices, […]
Government formally launches Australian Business Growth Fund
The federal government has formally launched the Australian Business Growth Fund to help close the “critical gap” which has kept some SMEs from being able to obtain the finance they need to succeed. “Today’s launch of the Australian Business Growth Fund is fantastic news for high growth potential SMEs who require essential long-term equity finance […]
Four ways to better manage new customers
CreditorWatch’s data shows there was a slight decrease in payment times (7.6 per cent from June to July) and an uptick in credit enquiries being made (5.1 per cent from June to July) suggesting that SMEs are starting to get on top of their finances. The reality is that payment times remain high (up 224 […]
Why small businesses need to get into the habit of contact t...
Worth thinking about……….. Imagine this scenario: Jane works for a small agency with 16 staff. She is one of eight in team A, and it is her week to work from the office – team B will work in the office next week. They rotate teams, to avoid having all the staff getting sick at […]
The biggest threat to companies right now isn’t the pandemic
The disruptive effect of coronavirus has seen a number of businesses close their doors, be it permanent or temporary. It’s because of these closures we’ve seen an increase in empty shopfronts, warehouses and office spaces. By becoming idle, these facilities have opened themselves up to a new set of problems that can further impact their […]
Cyclone, flood risks rise as La Nina declared
Australia could see increased cyclone activity this season and a greater risk of flooding as a result of a La Nina climate event and influences in the Indian Ocean. The Bureau of Meteorology last week declared the first active La Nina since the 2010-2012 event, when insurance catastrophes were triggered due to Tropical Cyclone Yasi […]
Strengthening SME cybersecurity resilience without blowing t...
SMEs want the best cybersecurity possible, but it’s not always affordable, easy to implement or access. Adding to the complexity and expense of cyber resilience for SMEs is the fact that many operate in supply chains that interact closely, meaning those that aren’t secure or resilient become “weak links” in the chain. Raising awareness of […]
How to identify productivity pitfalls, and how to avoid them...
As workplaces continue to mutate into a mixture of designated buildings and makeshift home offices, productivity has become increasingly difficult to monitor as the focus shifts away from simple benchmarks such as hours logged. One of the most reliable and feasible measurements we have is to self-assess our own productivity throughout the workday, which includes […]
Running a small business the way a Formula One team runs a r...
Formula One (F1) racing is a sport unlike any other. World-class engineering teams tweak and tinker their cars and engines to allow racers to get ahead by a fraction of a second to win the race. But even the fastest cars could not outrace the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a significant impact on […]
B2B SMEs: it’s time to refocus, reignite, and rise
In case you have noticed, there is no turning back! As businesses resume out of lockdown, they are facing the “new normal”. For those of us operating in a business-to-business (B2B) context, this will be characterised by: -Increased number of decision-makers.-Purchased decisions made by consensus.-Tighter budgets.-Highly demanding, risk-averse buyers.-Selling virtually. Unlike the pandemic, these conditions […]
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Seasons Greeting to All

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