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Here’s how you can effectively integrate AI to grow your bus

There is a misconception that artificial intelligence (AI) is a complex technology that only benefits large enterprises, but these days it’s prevalent in our daily lives – from Siri and Alexa to Netflix recommendations and driving directions. No matter which industry you operate in, customers are expecting AI-enabled experiences. Incorporating AI into your business can […]

Check your privilege – do you know who has access to what?

Picture this: you’re hosting a party and have invited people over. You’re having a good time but then realise someone you don’t really know is in your bathroom, rummaging through your belongings, and just walks out with them. “They’re not allowed in there”, you think to yourself. But nothing is actually stopping them from entering […]

Aussie businesses urged to take action against single-use pl...

Businesses across Australia are being urged to join the mission to end the use of single-use plastic (SUP) during “Plastic Free July.” The call is spearheaded by start-up Zero Co, which produces locally-made, zero-waste personal care and home cleaning products. Zero Co is also calling on businesses to encourage their employees to go SUP free […]

Firstmac announces $750m green home loan RMBS deal

Firstmac have announced a ground-breaking new deal, thought to be the first of its kind to hit the Australian market: a green RMBS. The deal is valued at $750m and will result in $230m in discounted green home loans. In conjunction with an international group including Japanese bank Norinchukin, the non bank lender will offer […]

For the future.

Aussie space startups reveal big expansion plans In a week of big announcements, three South Australian startups have furthered their plans to support the international space industry. All based in Adelaide, South Australia, the companies include Fleet Space Technologies, Inovor Technologies and Southern Launch. Southern Launch has been approved to conduct three rocket test launches […]

The widespread implications of cyber attacks

Whenever an organisation suffers a cyber attack, there is a significant human impact, which everyday citizens are only now just starting to realise the full impacts and consequences of. Cybersecurity is no longer something boards and businesses can relegate to the IT department. It has far reaching broader implications on trust, wellbeing and the community. […]

Good news story!

Nick Berry is crushing it across the globe. Nick Berry grew up on a small grain and wool production farm on Kangaroo Island finding astute ways to lengthen the life of old machinery and build new equipment. In the agricultural sector he found the seeds of his passion for mechanical engineering. A decade on, the […]

Need some inspiration to deliver more results? These four su...

In business, it is hard continually thinking of ideas, brainstorming and planning different ways to deliver results. There is always so much going on and mostly you just manage to get through what is expected of you instead of going that little bit extra each time. Things may be going well but why not push […]

What’s behind the boom in cyber cartels?

Ransomware cartels are employing new tactics to extort money, according to a new report by cyber risk analytics provider CyberCube. Gangs of cyber criminals are organising themselves along the lines of drug cartels and changing their strategy of attack in order to keep ahead of authorities’ efforts to stamp them out, according to the report, […]

Casual employment changes: Employment contracts key focus

Employment contracts will be key focus under new definition. It’s been less than a year since the infamous decision of Workpac Pty Ltd v Rossato, which confirmed (at the time) that the determination of whether an employee is casual depends on the ‘real substance, practical reality and true nature’ of the relationship. Parliament have now […]

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