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Do You Know the 7 Key Risks of Owning an Electric Vehicle?

Sales of electric vehicles (EVs) in Australia have reached a milestone – for the first time, more than 50,000 in the first six months of a calendar year. EVs accounted for about one in 12 cars sold, according to But, you might not know that there are seven key challenges to manage when you’re […]

What are the top cyber security threats for businesses?

This Cyber Security Awareness Month, BDO takes a look at the threats faced by businesses from nation state actors to cyber criminals. New technology has given organisations greater data analytics, communication, and operational efficiency capabilities. However, it has also made threat actors, ranging from nation-state actors to cyber criminals, more sophisticated. As our world becomes […]

Insurance headaches: Eight tips to minimise the risk of a cl...

It’s every business owner’s nightmare—an unforeseen incident occurs, stress is up, you file an insurance claim, and instead of a quick resolution, you see those dreaded words: “claim denied”. According to the Insurance Council of Australia, 96% of claims are approved by insurers. So, what goes wrong with that remaining 4%? Understanding why claims get […]

What are the benefits of deploying AI agents in your busines...

Perhaps worth considering Why are autonomous agents the next step in the evolution of AI?AI innovation is happening faster than ever. Hot on the heels of predictive AI and generative AI, we’re now witnessing the third wave of the AI revolution, where businesses are deploying accurate and low-hallucination autonomous agents alongside human workers. Moving beyond […]

Disaster Plans Every Australian SMB Should Have Ready Now

More than two thirds of Australians live in a local government area impacted by one or more natural disaster over a 12-month period, says KPMG. Chances are your business is among the 75% of Australian SMBs without a current business continuity plan. So, how can you be better prepared for natural disasters, including bushfires, floods, […]

Don’t Travel Without Insurance for Business or Leisure

As spring arrives, Australians are eager to embark on their travel adventures, both domestically and abroad; for business, leisure or both – often known as ‘bleisure’. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Aussies made 12% more trips in May 2024, compared to the same time last year. While figures haven’t returned to pre-pandemic levels, […]

SMEs are leaving themselves wide open to cybercrime

Multi-factor authentication is just one of eight things small and medium size businesses should be doing to protect themselves against cybercrime. Malware, ransomware, data breaches, payment redirection scams, phishing – Australian businesses are increasingly under fire from bad actors in the cyberspace. The average loss to Australian businesses from cybercrime is $45,965 for small businesses […]

Electric Vehicles & Insurance: A Guide for Aussie SMEs

Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionising the automotive industry with their eco-friendly design and efficient performance. And governments across Australia are offering incentives for businesses and consumers to invest in EVs. If you’re tempted to buy an EV for your SME, read on. We’ll explain the pros, cons and risk management considerations. Benefits of EVs for […]

Is Your SME Thinking About Using AI? Know the Risks

Just a quarter of Australian small-to-medium-sized (SME) businesses now use artificial intelligence (AI), according to a brokerage survey. However, fast forward to 2026 and six in 10 SMEs expect to be doing so. From streamlining operations to boosting customer service, AI offers a tonne of potential and risks. And, while SME owners might be thinking […]

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