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ICA issues warning to short-term holiday rental hosts

As Australians take a break this Easter, The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has warned short-term holiday rental hosts not to place their most valuable assets at risk. According to the ICA, nearly 500,000 Australian hosts have listed their property on short-term holiday rental platforms since 2016, with Easter and Christmas identified as popular times […]

Online scams report: Australian cybercrime on the rise in 20...

The COVID-19 pandemic has given cyber criminals an advantage as remote work became more common in Australia. Now, Savvy’s online scams report has revealed that cybercrime has hit sky-high rates in the country, sparking major concerns for individuals and businesses. The report showed that Australians lost over $72 million in scams during the first quarter […]

WoodSolutions offers tips to salvage flood-damaged timber in...

The catastrophic flooding in Queensland and New South Wales (NSW), which is expected to trigger a “devastating wave” of underinsurance, has severely damaged or wiped-out homes and infrastructure. However, WoodSolutions (WS), managed by the Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited (FWPA), said all might not be lost. WS, designed to provide free information about timber […]

Something to help bring back the smile!

Whilst we were acknowledging and celebrating International Women’s Day a few days ago, Minnie Mouse received a “makeover”! “She’s one of the most famous characters on earth,” says Stella McCartney of working with a character like Minnie Mouse. “It’s incredible to see how happy she makes everyone, and how she’s in such a positive position […]

What states and territories are doing to help Australians bu...

Australian drivers are increasingly keen to make their next car electric, but high prices and the limited range of available models are keeping many from making the switch. State and territory governments are investing in charging infrastructure and offering a range of incentives, such as rebates and tax exemptions, to reduce the financial burden. So, […]

Good news story!

Bupa introduces Australia’s first ‘smart mouthguards’ Bupa Dental Care has partnered with HITIQ – which offers products supporting the identification, monitoring, and management of sport-related brain injury – to create the first high-tech mouthguard technology for junior and amateur athletes in Australia. The smart mouthguards – currently used by Rugby Union, AFL, and NRL players […]

BOM outlook signals a wetter-than-average autumn

As rain continues to smash the east coast, many are looking for a let up in the wet weather. Released today, the BOM’s latest model runs indicate rainfall is likely to be above-median for large parts of Australia. With the rest of the country expecting a fairly normal season. The outlook states, There is an […]

What Australian homeowners need to know about underinsurance

The vast majority of Australian households carry some form of home insurance, according to the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA). But the big question is – are they getting enough coverage? In an interview with financial comparison website Canstar, Lisa Kable, spokesperson for ICA, said that between 90% and 95% of all owner-occupied homes in […]

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