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Cyber incidents and why they’re similar to weather events

Weather events, as the property & casualty insurance industry knows, have become more frequent and severe; now it appears that the same can actually be said every year about cyber incidents. Here, mobile phone-turned-cybersecurity company BlackBerry outlines some key trends to expect in 2023. “As cybercriminals and nation-states increasingly team up, attacks will increase in […]

Good news story – for the environment!

Confectioner’s sweet solution to plastic waste could spark change Some of Australia’s most popular chocolate bars – including Mars Bars and Snickers – are getting an environmentally friendly makeover in a move that is expected to inspire its competitors to follow suit. From April 2023, Mars Wrigley, the company behind Mars Bars, Milky Way and […]

Trends driving longer fire seasons, intense rainfall gather ...

Changes to weather and climate extremes, which are driving more intense rainfall, longer fire seasons and rising sea levels, are happening at an increased pace across Australia, a report from the CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology has found. The State of the Climate 2022 report says the number of short duration heavy rainfall events is […]

Good news story

How Byron Bay startup Subpod turned food scraps into a $16.4 million business Byron Bay-based Subpod has completed a hefty $800,000 equity raise after a bonza year for the composting technology startup that saw more than $6 million in sales across 26 countries, with operating profit soaring over 200% in the last 12 months. The […]

BOM warns of increased flooding risk in long-range forecast

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has released its long-range forecast for the coming severe weather season, pointing to an increased risk of widespread flooding for eastern and northern Australia, along with an above average number of tropical cyclones and tropical lows. “This season we have a greater than 70% chance of at least 11 tropical […]

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